Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, Faculty of Health
York University
Ruth Rodney is a registered nurse and Assistant Professor at York University’s School of Nursing where she focuses on the global context of nursing. Her research focuses on violence prevention at the community level. Specifically, she addresses gender-based violence with a focus on ACB (African/Caribbean/Black) youth and communities in Canada and the Caribbean. Her work is guided by critical theories and her approaches to data generation are grounded in community-based methodologies. Ruth is a Hamiltonian and is actively involved within Hamilton’s community. She is a board member of the Afro-Canadian Caribbean Association, and the Canadian Mental Health Association-Hamilton.
Select Publications
Rodney, R.(2021). Research Vignette: Why I focus on Violence Against Women and Girls. In Lobiondo-Wood and Haber’s Nursing Research in Canada 5th Edition. Elsevier. [in press]
Rodney, R., Bobbili, S. (2019). Women’s health and life experiences: A qualitative research report on violence against women in Guyana. UN Women. https://caribbean.unwomen.org/en/materials/publications/2019/11/womens-health-and-life-experiences-a-qualitative-research-report-on-violence-against-women-in-guyana
Rodney, R. (2016). Decolonization in Health Professions Education: Learning to Work with Uncertainties and Social Commitments. Canadian Medical Education Journal. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28344704/