Dalla Lana School of Public Health PhD Candidates Dani Jacobson and Nida Mustafa have published an article entitled: “Social Identity Map: A Reflexivity Tool for Practicing Explicit Positionality in Critical Qualitative Research” in The International Journal of Qualitative Methods. The map was inspired by a CQ Core Curriculum course, “Doing Qualitative Research: Design and Data Collection,” […]
Archives for September 2019
Upcoming Workshop: Writing for Qualitative Research
Monday, October 7, 9:30-4:30 pm This full-day workshop is designed to support late-stage PhD students engaged in writing qualitative dissertations in the social and health sciences. Presentation and discussion topics will include qualitative thesis structure (traditional and paper-based theses), writing a qualitative thesis for two academic cultures (social sciences and health sciences), fundamentals of academic […]
CQ’s first seminar of the fall term will take place on September 24th
Join us for our first seminar of the fall 2019 semester on Tuesday, September 24, 12:00-1:30pm, in HS 208, 155 College Street. Dr. Katie Macentee, post-doctoral fellow at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, will be presenting “Celling Sex – Using Cellphilm methodology in critical qualitative health research.” We look forward to seeing you […]