On Friday, January 29, from 12-1:30 PM, Drs. Ramya Kumar and Rona Macdonald presented their doctoral dissertation research in CQ’s latest online seminar. The recording is available here. Title: Women’s Talk: A Critical Bricolage Abstract: Bricolage is both a methodology and a form of rigor in qualitative research, demanding examination of phenomena from diverse theoretical […]
Recording Available: CQ@10 – Revisiting & Reimagining the ‘Critical’ in Critical Qualitative Health Research
With a vibrant international intellectual footprint, wide diaspora of trainees and colleagues, and a history of theory-informed innovation in critical qualitative health research, the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (CQ) at the University of Toronto is celebrating its 10th anniversary. We have much to celebrate and build on! In addition to the CQ diaspora, […]
Call for Papers – Qualitative Analysis Conference 2021
The Qualitative Analysis Conference (“The Qualitatives”) will be held June 21-23, 2021 in a virtual format. The conference theme is Conceptualizing Theory: Analytic Practices in Qualitative Research. Submit an abstract at www.qualitatives.ca/submit-abstract. The submission deadline is March 1, 2021. If you have questions, please contact thequalitatives@gmail.com. See below for more details from the organizers on this year’s conference! […]
Winter 2021 Course Timetable
The course timetable for CQ’s Winter 2021 shared curriculum is now available! Please refer to your departmental registrar for course enrolment and drop dates. Students interested in taking courses outside their home department can view enrolment instructions here. The full curriculum, including potential student pathways through the curriculum, can be viewed here.
Call for Applications: 2020-21 CQ Dissertation Award
Applications to our 2020-21 CQ Eakin Award for Methodological Excellence are now open! Please see our awards page for more details on the award, eligibility, and the application requirements. Deadline to apply is December 10, 2020.
Recording: September 25th Seminar by CQ Award Winner, Dr. Sarah Elton
Thank you to everyone who attended this event! The recording is now available on our YouTube channel here. On Friday, September 25, from 12-1:30 PM, Dr. Sarah Elton presented her doctoral dissertation research in CQ’s first online seminar. There was a 1-hour presentation and moderated discussion, followed by a 30-minute informal chat with the presenter. […]