On November 10, CQ and the Centre for Global Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto co-hosted a webinar titled, Decolonizing Global Health and the Role of Critical Qualitative Research. Scholars, healthcare professionals, activists and others have advocated for “decolonizing” global health, which involves working to redress power imbalances […]
Winter and Spring 2022 Course Timetable
The course timetable for CQ’s Winter and Spring/Summer 2022 shared curriculum is now available! Please refer to your departmental registrar for course enrolment and drop dates. Students interested in taking courses outside their home department can view enrolment instructions here. The full curriculum, including potential student pathways through the curriculum, can be viewed here. Spring/Summer 2022 One […]
TICKETS + KEYNOTE ANNOUNCED: CQ Critical Pedagogies Symposium
Join us Friday, November 5 from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm for the 3rd CQ Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Teaching & Learning Critical Qualitative Health Methods. Over the last 18 months, our worlds have been transformed by a global pandemic that has touched nearly every aspect of our lives. Health and social inequities have been […]
RECORDING AVAILABLE: October 18 – CQ Virtual Seminar by Dr. Amaya Perez-Brumer
On Monday, October 18, from 12-1:30 PM, Dr. Amaya Perez-Brumer, Assistant Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, presented a talk titled, “Ethnography of data politics: Rethinking risk, value, and justice in HIV prevention science”. Abstract: This presentation describes the deployment of ethnographic methods to interrogate the data infrastructures underpinning queer […]
CQ Student Publishes Paper on Quilting as Arts-Based Method
“When I used words to narrate my experience of sleeplessness, something was missing. They failed to adequately articulate how I have come to accept sleeplessness as part of my being-in-the-world. I had trouble using words to narrate an experience that felt so visceral, embodied. The words in my narrative felt disembodied, sanitized. I sought something […]
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: CQ Critical Pedagogies Symposium
It’s back! The 3rd biannual CQ Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Teaching & Learning Critical Qualitative Health Methods will be held virtually on November 5 and 12, 2021 from 11 am – 2 pm EST. This year‘s theme is Metamorphosis and Praxis: Pandemic Learning Lessons. Over the last 18 months, our worlds have been transformed by a […]