Format for citing videos: Author, A. A. [Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research]. (year, month, day of talk). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx
Public Seminar Recordings
CQ regularly hosts public seminars by leading and established researchers and visiting scholars over the Fall and Winter university terms. These seminars are a chance for researchers and scholars to exchange ideas and debate key issues of qualitative health research methodology.
Below is one of our public seminars presented by CQ Adjunct Fellow Dr. Azucena Pedraz-Marcos titled: Focus Groups or discussion groups: Providing insights into the experience of participants and researchers in health services research.
To view CQ’s library of recorded seminar presentations, click here or view our YouTube channel.
E-Learning Qualitative Methods
As part of CQ’s collaboration with eCampus Ontario, which aimed to advance the field by strengthening the community of educators in Qualitative Health Research across the province, a series of videos were recorded on qualitative methods. To view the videos, see below or go to our secondary YouTube channel.
These videos are meant to accompany the e-book “Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Ontario: A Resource Guide”
All videos were recorded in May of 2018

Indigenous Methodologies

Beyond Giving Voice: Advancing theory and methodologies for qualitative research with children, Western University
Beyond Giving Voice was a virtual symposium held over three sessions (June 4, 9, and 11, 2020). Scholars explored theoretical, methodological, and ethical implications of claims to be ‘giving voice’ to children through research. While these presentations are focused on qualitative research with young people, they are also relevant to the design and conduct of research methodologies with other populations.
This symposium was sponsored in part by CQ. It features presentations from a number of critical qualitative health researchers across the country, including CQ Director Dr. Brenda Gladstone, CQ Fellow Dr. Gail Teachman, and PhD student Katie Mah.
View recordings from the symposium at Western University’s Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion’s website here.
Advanced Seminar on Critical Qualitative Health Inquiry, McGill University
Professor Emerita of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Joan Eakin, and Associate Professor, Health Sciences at Brock University , Pauli Gardner, deliver a talk to international scholars at the McGill University Faculty Club, October 2-3, 2017.
From DIPEx International (2018): “Professor Eakin discussed critical qualitative research as a transgressive scientific practice and the implications for researchers as well as in the health field more generally. Professor Gardner shared her personal experiences and reflections as a critical qualitative health researcher in a hospital setting with lessons for all engaged in participatory approaches.”
Theory and Quality
Speakers: Denise Gastaldo, PhD and Joan Eakin, PhD. Recorded in February 2015 for a qualitative workshop held in Mallorca, Spain.

Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation

Non-English Language Videos