On January 20th, Dr. Lana Ray travelled from the Department of Indigenous Learning at Lakehead University to give a talk at CQ titled Reconsidering the “TRC” in the Critical: Engaging with Critical Methodologies in the Era of Truth and Reconciliation. Dr. Ray has previously worked in public and not-for-profit sectors, including as the Director of Policy and Research at a provincial […]
Archives for February 2020
CQ Critical Pedagogies Keynote Talk Published
CQ Fellow Dr. Lisbeth Berbary’s keynote talk at the Second Annual Critical Pedagogies Symposium has been published in the interdisciplinary journal Leisure Sciences. In the article, titled Theorypracticing Differently: Re-Imagining the Public, Health, and Social Research, Berbary employs critical and deconstructive social theories to “explore how we might begin to think differently about the public and […]