On January 20th, Dr. Lana Ray travelled from the Department of Indigenous Learning at Lakehead University to give a talk at CQ titled Reconsidering the “TRC” in the Critical: Engaging with Critical Methodologies in the Era of Truth and Reconciliation. Dr. Ray has previously worked in public and not-for-profit sectors, including as the Director of Policy and Research at a provincial […]
CQ Critical Pedagogies Keynote Talk Published
CQ Fellow Dr. Lisbeth Berbary’s keynote talk at the Second Annual Critical Pedagogies Symposium has been published in the interdisciplinary journal Leisure Sciences. In the article, titled Theorypracticing Differently: Re-Imagining the Public, Health, and Social Research, Berbary employs critical and deconstructive social theories to “explore how we might begin to think differently about the public and […]
CQ Seminar- February 25th
On Tuesday, February 25th, CQ Fellow Dr. Janet Parsons, along with Dr. Clara Juando-Prats, and Natalie Baker, will be leading a seminar on the following topic Mind the (methodological) gap: A journey into qualitative/quantitative interpretive spaces This event will take place in the Health Sciences Building, room HS208 and will run from 12:00-1:30 PM. Everyone […]
Announcing CQ Leadership Changes
For the past year, Dr Gail Teachman has provided leadership in her role as Associate Director (AD) of CQ; however, as of January 2020 she is stepping down from that role and will remain a CQ Fellow. During her tenure as AD, Dr Teachman co-chaired CQ’s second Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Learning and Teaching Qualitative […]
CQ Directors featured in U of T News for their work with Academics without Borders
Photo description from left to right: U of T Associate Professor Denise Gastaldo, Margarida de Aquino Cunha, the rector of Brazil’s Federal University of Acre and Rozilaine Redi Lago, who was a visiting U of T PhD student (photo courtesy of Dalla Lana & U of T News) Please read the full article here: U […]
Final seminar of the semester- Dec. 4th
CQ’s final seminar of the Fall semester will be on Wednesday, December 4th. We will be serving pizza, salad, and an engaging talk on embodied mapping! Embodied Mapping: A visual-based, new materialist methodology for investigating the contemporary contexts of technologised biomedicine Speakers: Dr. Rory Crath & Dr. Christian Rangel Time: Wednesday, December 4, 12:00-1:30pmLocation: HS 208, […]