CQ is pleased to announce the launch of its e-book publication:
“Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Ontario: A Resource Guide”
The publication is aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who want who want additional or advanced training and masters-prepared healthcare practitioners who may want to enhance their opportunities for research collaborations and expand their repertoire of research skill.
The book intended to familiarise users with qualitative research methodologies and methods, course offerings in health sciences faculties in Ontario universities, and the registration information and process. It includes educational and support materials in the form of videos and selected preparatory readings on qualitative research as well as examples of empirical contributions of qualitative methods to the health sciences.
View or download the book here http://qualitativeresearchontario.openetext.utoronto.ca/ to see how it might be useful to you in teaching or learning qualitative research. It can be navigated via the table of contents tab.
Finally, eCampusOntario is gathering data to support ongoing funding from the government for open source initiatives. You can help by reporting any use you make of the book or videos here: https://openlibrary.ecampusontario.ca/report-an-adoption/