Are you doing research on public health issues that takes qualitative methodology seriously?

Is your research theoretically-engaged?
Are you moving beyond a “bare bones” listing of themes that “emerged” from your research in favour of reflexively interpreting and analyzing your data?
If so, and if you are looking for a home for your publication, please consider submitting your work to the Canadian Journal of Public Health (CJPH).
CJPH recently reaffirmed its commitment to publish qualitative public health research from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary locations that is critical and theoretically-engaged. As senior editor responsible for the review of qualitative research, I invite you to consider CJPH as a publication venue.
*The maximum word count (not including abstract and references) for qualitative submissions at CJPH is now 5000.
*Our review criteria have been revamped to address the interpretive approach to research that is a hallmark of qualitative inquiry.
*The journal recently published a special section that expresses the vision for qualitative research at CJPH and includes exemplar articles (Volume 109, Issue 9-6, December 2018 ). Read the introductory article to get a better sense of what we are trying to accomplish at CJPH.
*Our revamped instruction for authors can be viewed here:
The changes we have introduced at CJPH are exciting and hold great promise for cultivating critical, theoretically-engaged qualitative research about issues of concern to public health scholars and practitioners. I invite you to contribute to a shift in the landscape of qualitative public health research in Canada by submitting your work to CJPH.
Eric Mykhalovskiy, Ph.D.
Senior Editor, Canadian Journal of Public Health