For the past year, Dr Gail Teachman has provided leadership in her role as Associate Director (AD) of CQ; however, as of January 2020 she is stepping down from that role and will remain a CQ Fellow. During her tenure as AD, Dr Teachman co-chaired CQ’s second Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Learning and Teaching Qualitative Health Research and supported Dr Brenda Gladstone, Director, in the governance of CQ. In taking on the AD role, Gail had a particular interest in CQ’s goal of building local, national and international capacity in critical, interpretive, theoretically-informed qualitative health research, scholarship and teaching. To that end, she is leading a new research interest group – the Critical Qualitative Health and Equity-oriented Research group – at Western University where she is based. We wish Gail and her colleagues at Western all the best with this initiative and look forward to ongoing collaborations with CQ.