The Qualitative Analysis Conference (“The Qualitatives”) will be held June 21-23, 2021 in a virtual format. The conference theme is Conceptualizing Theory: Analytic Practices in Qualitative Research. Submit an abstract at The submission deadline is March 1, 2021. If you have questions, please contact See below for more details from the organizers on this year’s conference!
Qualitative researchers collect a wide array and vast amount of data. The creative process of making sense of these materials can be daunting. While exuding confidence and stoicism in front stage performances, back stage we often question whether our efforts will pay off or if we have what it takes to follow through. In Qualitative Research in Action, Deborah van den Hoonaard (2018) advises us to trust in the process. We are encouraged to have faith that there are valuable insights to be extracted from our data and believe in our analytical abilities to develop worthwhile findings. To help demystify the creative dimensions of doing analysis, this year’s conference calls on presenters to emphasize their conceptual and theoretical results, but also to share reflexive, firsthand accounts of how these were generated.
We are eager to receive submissions that consider the actualities of analysis and theory-work, including, but not limited to:
Theoretical Ideas, Conceptual Findings, and their Evolution. At a more abstract theoretical level, what were the key ideas and concepts from your findings? How did these evolve and change over the course of your project?
Grappling with Theoretical Problems: Creative Solutions and Eureka Moments. What theoretical problems did you grapple with in the field, and what creative adjustments and solutions allowed you to move forward? What were your “eureka” moments?
Theoretical Turning Points Resulting from Encounters Away from the Field. How did your conceptual map of ideas, or theories, change as a result of your encounters outside of the field (e.g., emergent literature, conference feedback, dialogue with peers)?
Using Theory and Concepts to Address Practical, Applied, or Policy-Oriented Problems. In what ways has theory been useful to you in informing more practical and applied problems, or policy-oriented solutions to concrete issues?
Researcher Reflexivity in Making Theoretical and Conceptual Decisions. What is the role of researcher reflexivity (e.g., emotions, relationships, power, positionality) in making theoretical and conceptual decisions in the field?
The Relationship Between Theory and Method During the Research Process. How do you see the relationship between theory and method in the research process?
Promising Theoretical and Conceptual Perspectives for the Future. What emerging theoretical perspectives or creative conceptual synergies seem most exciting, or hold new promise, in building a future for qualitative research into the 21st century?
While this year’s theme highlights theory development in qualitative research, we encourage any and all submissions from people conducting qualitative research and interpretive analysis more generally. Submissions from novice and experienced researchers are welcomed. We will be hosting a series of sessions devoted specifically to undergraduate student research.
We are pleased to announce that Eviatar Zerubavel will be presenting the Keynote Address and Iddo Tavory will be attending as a Featured Speaker.
New abstracts can be submitted online at If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at