Monday, October 7, 9:30-4:30 pm This full-day workshop is designed to support late-stage PhD students engaged in writing qualitative dissertations in the social and health sciences. Presentation and discussion topics will include qualitative thesis structure (traditional and paper-based theses), writing a qualitative thesis for two academic cultures (social sciences and health sciences), fundamentals of academic […]
CQ’s first seminar of the fall term will take place on September 24th
Join us for our first seminar of the fall 2019 semester on Tuesday, September 24, 12:00-1:30pm, in HS 208, 155 College Street. Dr. Katie Macentee, post-doctoral fellow at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, will be presenting “Celling Sex – Using Cellphilm methodology in critical qualitative health research.” We look forward to seeing you […]
Registration Now Open: Critical Pedagogies Symposium
Registration is now open for the second annual Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Teaching and Learning Qualitative Health Research, being held Friday, October 18th, 2019 at York University. The goals of the symposium are to: inspire pedagogical innovation, dialogue and imagination; share challenges, exchange resources and brainstorm solutions; celebrate our accomplishments and push the boundaries of […]
Invitation to Publish with the Canadian Journal of Public Health
Are you doing research on public health issues that takes qualitative methodology seriously? Is your research theoretically-engaged? Are you moving beyond a “bare bones” listing of themes that “emerged” from your research in favour of reflexively interpreting and analyzing your data? If so, and if you are looking for a home for your publication, please […]
CQ’s New Administrative Coordinator
This month, CQ says farewell to Andrea Carson, our stellar Administrative Coordinator of three years, and welcomes PhD student, Kristie Serota, to the team! Andrea (right) joined CQ as Administrative Coordinator in October 2016 under former Director, Denise Gastaldo (2014-2018), and former Associate Director and current Director, Brenda Gladstone. She is a PhD candidate in the […]
2018-2019 CQ Dissertation Award Winners: Ramya Kumar & Rona MacDonald
CQ is proud to announce the winners of this year’s ‘Joan Eakin Award for Methodological Excellence in a Qualitative Doctoral Dissertation’: Ramya Kumar, of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and Rona MacDonald of the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute at the University of Toronto. Congratulations to both winners! The awards committee had the following to […]