Tue, 3 October 2017
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM EDT
McGill Faculty Club and Conference Centre
3450 McTavish Street
Montreal, QC H3A 1X9
Experienced qualitative researchers are invited to participate in a special 1-day symposium in Montreal to share insights, reflections and strategies on current issues in critical qualitative inquiry so that together we can advance our thinking and application in health and healthcare.
This event is hosted by DIPEx International, an international research group that focuses on experiences of health and illness (www.dipexinternational.org), Trillium Health Partners – Institute for Better Health, the McGill Qualitative Health Research Group (www.mcgill.ca/mqhrg), and the Reseau de recherche en sante buccodentaire et osseuse (RSBO).
Keynote speakers: Joan Eakin, University of Toronto and Pauli Gardner, Brock University
Participants will join as active contributors, reading a modest amount of material in advance and engaging in facilitated workshops to explore critical qualitative inquiry as a complex and often politically engaged research endeavor. Our discussion begins the evening before with a networking dinner.
For further details, including the event poster, click here
To register, please click https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/advanced-seminar-on-critical-qhr-tickets-35823062745