CQ’s second annual Critical Pedagogies Symposium took place on October 18th at York University. The 58 attendees included students and faculty from Brock University, George Brown College, McGill University, McMaster University, Ryerson University, the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo, the University of Western Ontario, and York University, as well as scholars in health care and government. In keeping with the theme of teaching and learning qualitative health research, sessions included such topics as weaving theory into qualitative research, body mapping, critical reflexivity, and teaching qualitative methods to new audiences. Participants shared challenges and successes of teaching and learning qualitative health research.
Of her experience, U of T PhD Candidate Nicola Gailits said, “The conference on Friday was incredible! It’s the first time I’ve been to a qualitative conference and it was such a unique and exciting space to be in. I felt newly inspired.”
An established qualitative researcher and professor echoed Gailits’ reflections: “It was one of the most stimulating and enriching days I can remember in academic life in the past five years.”
Thank you to all who attended for an enriching day. We look forward to the next CQ Symposium!