A team led by CQ Fellow Dr. Naomi Thulien recently released an animation to share qualitative insights from a community-based, mixed method clinical trial with youth who had experienced homelessness.
All 24 study participants were given portable rent subsidies (youth could live in a location of their choice) for two years; half were randomly assigned adult mentors who were screened and selected by three community partner agencies. The team wanted to understand if young people who received rent subsidies and mentorship experienced more social and economic inclusion compared to young people who only received rent subsidies.
The animation is based on the analysis of 71 interviews conducted by Dr. Thulien with 12 study participants over a 2.5-year period. Informed by the expertise of study participants and analyzed with a critical lens, the animation offers key insights into the inequities young people exiting homelessness face, and explores how we can do a better job of helping them permanently exit homelessness and feel socially and economically included in society.
Read more about the project here.